Sunday, July 30, 2017

Introducing Nick Jackson

Hello everyone! I'm glad you are here to read some of my writing on all things OSU. First off, I was born in OSU hospital (before it was renamed the Wexner), so I can truly say I was a Buckeye at birth.‬

A physical therapist by trade, I have lived and worked in central Ohio for all my life. This however is my first venture into sports blogging so bear with me as I learn the ropes. Several of our writers have experience writing for Buckeye Battle Cry so I'll be picking their brains for sure. I'm here to have fun, interact with Buckeye Nation, and maybe make some small difference in people's lives through my writing.

In addition to writing, I like being in nature and hiking the many great hiking trails in and near central Ohio. You may have seem some of my grainy iPad pictures on my twitter account @GoBucks2204

This is a picture I took at the Upper Rim Trail of Conkle's Hollow in Hocking Hills.

My two favorite sports are college football and college basketball. Football will always be my favorite but basketball is definitely a close second. I'm excited to see the direction Coach Holtmann has the basketball bucks headed, and I'm hoping to catch a game or two. Recently I've started learning about wrestling much because of the exploits of Kyle Snyder. Watching Snyder last year in the Schott might have been one of my greatest sports memories.

Pictures are worth a thousand words but the written word might be even more impactful (the pen is mightier than the sword). 

I'm far from perfect, but my Christian faith is very important to me. I won't beat people over the head with the Bible, but I will occasionally weave in a story of faith, family and football. For many athletes, faith and sport are deeply intwined, and I hope to capture some of their stories.

Lastly, I just wanted to thank Chris and everyone else for giving me the opportunity to write for @TWSSBuckeyeBlog


Nick Jackson

"Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

© 2017 Nick Jackson - All rights reserved

Twitter: @gobucks2204

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