Sunday, July 30, 2017

Introducing Nick Jackson

Hello everyone! I'm glad you are here to read some of my writing on all things OSU. First off, I was born in OSU hospital (before it was renamed the Wexner), so I can truly say I was a Buckeye at birth.‬

A physical therapist by trade, I have lived and worked in central Ohio for all my life. This however is my first venture into sports blogging so bear with me as I learn the ropes. Several of our writers have experience writing for Buckeye Battle Cry so I'll be picking their brains for sure. I'm here to have fun, interact with Buckeye Nation, and maybe make some small difference in people's lives through my writing.

In addition to writing, I like being in nature and hiking the many great hiking trails in and near central Ohio. You may have seem some of my grainy iPad pictures on my twitter account @GoBucks2204

This is a picture I took at the Upper Rim Trail of Conkle's Hollow in Hocking Hills.

My two favorite sports are college football and college basketball. Football will always be my favorite but basketball is definitely a close second. I'm excited to see the direction Coach Holtmann has the basketball bucks headed, and I'm hoping to catch a game or two. Recently I've started learning about wrestling much because of the exploits of Kyle Snyder. Watching Snyder last year in the Schott might have been one of my greatest sports memories.

Pictures are worth a thousand words but the written word might be even more impactful (the pen is mightier than the sword). 

I'm far from perfect, but my Christian faith is very important to me. I won't beat people over the head with the Bible, but I will occasionally weave in a story of faith, family and football. For many athletes, faith and sport are deeply intwined, and I hope to capture some of their stories.

Lastly, I just wanted to thank Chris and everyone else for giving me the opportunity to write for @TWSSBuckeyeBlog


Nick Jackson

"Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

© 2017 Nick Jackson - All rights reserved

Twitter: @gobucks2204

Email for permission to reprint articles:

Thursday, July 27, 2017

He Said: Friday Night Lights

Written by GoBucks2204

Last Friday, I took my annual pilgrimage to the iconic, though currently being renovated, Ohio Stadium for Friday Night Lights. Along with the Spring Game, these are two events I have penciled in on my calendar every year. With escalating ticket prices, these venues are perfect for the rabid Buckeye fan who can’t afford to otherwise go to games. While it’s nowhere near the game-day atmosphere, FNL is perfect if you want to be in Ohio Stadium with some of the atmosphere, but not all the headaches. Parking was free and I sat in the very first row on the 30 yard line. All I needed was for the weather to cooperate (more on that later).
I took my seat with a pristine view of the field, armed only with my decrepit iPad Camera (which I hope to upgrade, Lord willing). Let me give you a rundown of my experience since many of you folks didn’t have a chance to attend.
In the past, Friday Night Lights has served primarily as a recruiting event. It has attracted some of the top high school talent in the nation. With OSU currently engrossed in one of the best recruiting runs in school history, many folks thought there would be multiple booms (AKA commitments). Mark Pantoni coined the term to use for social media when a top prospect commits to OSU.
With OSU’s brand firmly established, FNL’s focus has shifted to be less about hype (booms) and more about relationships and instruction. Prospects come to learn and develop their games from arguably some of the best college staffs in the country and compete against the greatest athletes (iron sharpens iron). To use Gene Smith’s verbiage, we don’t need gimmicks and circus stunts to “jumpstart our program,” like our neighbors to the north. FNL serves not only as a stellar camp, but it affords an opportunity for current, and former Buckeyes to mingle with current commits and develop chemistry amongst Buckeye nation.
Paying it forward: FNL”s isn’t just about Xs and Os. Former Buckeye and current Los Angeles Charger Joshua Perry was given a chance to address the campers. With rapt attention, campers sat at midfield as Perry spoke to them about what it takes to be a Buckeye, both on and off the field. Perry was not only paying it forward, but he was paying it back for all that OSU has done for him and the opportunities and doors OSU has opened. Perry walks the walk as a man of faith and conviction using his platform for good and for the benefit of others.
Here is JT Barrett with the Ambassador (Zeke’s father) graciously posing with a fan:
Super fan sighting: One of Perry’s favorite super fans and special friend of the program, Jacob Jarvis, made an appearance at FNL with his father. Jarvis is well known among Buckeye nation as the young man with Duchenne Muscular dystrophy who Urban Meyer and the team has adopted as their own. OSU made him an honorary team member for life during its mythical run to the national championship in 2014. If you remember during the Spring Game there was not a dry eye in the stadium as OSU fed Jacob the ball in the fourth quarter.  He juked and jived his way for a TD much to the delight of the team and the thousands of college football fans watching in person and on television and social media. Friday Night Lights is for Super Fans like Jacob.
Here is Jacob at FNL with his father getting ready to take in the action:
The Price is right: While many believe Barrett is arguably the most important player returning this season, I would argue that fifth year senior and co-captain Billy Price might be just as important for OSU’s on field success this season. Meyer reiterated the importance of strong leadership at the B1G media day.
“We have three fifth-year seniors here with me today representing Ohio State and I don’t know if I’ve ever had that before," Meyer said on the Big Ten Network. "Nowadays, fifth-year seniors are hard to find.”
I sat next to Price’s father for part of the evening. He is excited to see his son’s switch to center, much like what Pat Elflein did last year.  Price has supreme confidence that his son will embrace the mantle of leadership and serve as a key cog in what Buckeye Nation hopes is another national championship run.
After seeing him myself up close, I have no doubt that the younger Price will make the transition smoothly and effectively. He looks the part, on and off the field. It’s clear he hasn’t been spending time at the Golden Corral, but rather in the gym under the watchful eye of Coach Mick.
Here is Billy Price and Demetrius Knox walking over to hear Josh Perry address the campers:

Urban’s greatest hire: Many believe when Meyer first took the job at OSU, that his two most important hires were Strength and Conditioning Coach Mickey Marotti and Mark Pantoni, director of player Personnel. Pantoni is Meyer's right-hand man. As I glimpsed across the field looking for Meyer, I noticed one thing: wherever Meyer was, Pantoni was attached at the hip. They were inseparable. Pantoni, who I have been told has a photographic memory, was helping Meyer adeptly navigate the hundreds of campers in attendance. FNL is now a well-oiled machine and it’s easy to see why that’s the case. It’s because of Pantoni.
Rain or shine: I was nervous earlier in the day, as I saw it was raining and cloudy in Columbus for much of the day. I thought to myself, “Please don’t let it rain on FNL.” The camp will resonate and have a much greater impact if it is held in Ohio Stadium and not in the confines of the Woody Hayes Athletic Center. Much to my delight as FNL approached, the clouds parted and the sun began to shine. Around 8 p.m. it started to sprinkle. My nerves returned. The lady next to me with her fancy weather app assured me that it would clear. I joked with her that Pantoni is so good, he even orchestrated the weather and kept it from raining on the campers.
After stowing my backpack with my decrepit iPad away under a bench and praying the weather would clear, something spectacular happened. Slowly but surely the clouds parted and a double rainbow in its entire splendor was revealed from one end of the stadium to the other. I mentioned on twitter that, “The skies opened and the propitious smiles of heaven descended upon Ohio stadium.” While people were intent on watching the action on the field, I was preoccupied with capturing this moment of Divine Providence on my camera. I joked to the family next to me that, “Pantoni sure is good, He even orchestrated the rainbow over Ohio Stadium.”  Imagine how memorable that would be for recruits? As if Ohio Stadium isn’t memorable enough.
While I don’t believe that it was Pantoni who brought the rainbow, I do believe that God is active in the affairs of men. Is God an Ohio State fan? Not necessarily.  “The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous.” But for this brief moment I thought God smiled on Ohio Stadium. As long as we keep paying it forward, stay humble, and do things the right way perhaps we can continue cultivating that favor and blessing.
In conclusion, I want to take the opportunity to commend you for making it to the end of my article. In today’s fast food and microwave society we have lost the ability to maintain attention. Not many people read anymore. It’s much easier to click on a 30 second video or watch a funny gif on social media (not that there is anything wrong with that).
I hope you continue to follow us on this journey together toward the start of the Buckeye season. I plan to ramp up my writing as the season approaches and I hope to provide some good content to keep you engaged and coming back. Thank you for listening and always pay attention. You never know when you might have the chance to pay it forward in someone’s life and you just might notice a rainbow emerging out of the clouds of life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

MJ makes it to the table...

When does football start? “That’s what she said…..,” EVERY Saturday since the 2016 season ended!!! Hi! I’m Momma Jane, “MJ” to my twitter folks and my #BSU girls, Mel-burn, D-bird and Linds-bug. They are my “twitter-daughters,” and though we have never met in person, they are a huge part of my life. They truly are my family.

My love for sports and Ohio State goes way back and was instilled by my mom and her love for sports. My grandmother (my mom’s mom), went to high school with Woody Hayes and his sister, Mary in Newcomerstown, Ohio.  So, it was only natural that we love Ohio State!

I am excited about this blog and sharing it with Buckeye Nation! Though football is my favorite sport hands down, I love all Ohio State sports and am quite excited about our new basketball coach and what he will bring to the hardwood. Our Buckeyes excel in a multitude of sports; lacrosse, volleyball and wrestling to name a few. I mean, who is more insanely talented than Kyle Snyder?!!? If for some reason you don’t know who he is, I suggest you take the time to look him up!!!

I am looking forward to this upcoming season of Buckeye athletics and sharing stories with everyone that shares that passion with me.


He Said: Ohio State Football Offense Quick Look

There has been a lot of excitement around the hiring of Kevin Wilson and rightfully so. He did more with less at Indiana and had Oklahoma's offense rolling along before he left.

There was a definite need for change after the 31-0 drubbing at the hands of Clemson in the College Football Playoff semifinal. The split was about 50/50 on who to blame between co-offensive coordinators Ed Warinner and Tim Beck. Play calling and then quarterback J.T. Barrett's efficiency came to question just about every Saturday during the season save for one (TTUN).

Here is a look at Barrett's stats during his career thanks to Sports Reference CFB

One thing is for sure after looking at his stats: He has just about been a model of consistency so it sheds a little more light on the position coach and then play calling. #BuckeyeNation hashed this out enough during the regular season up to the point that there were no less than two million coordinators chomping at the bit to take over in Columbus.

Head coach Urban Meyer wasted little time admitting there were issues and addressed it immediately, which led to the Wilson hire. One of the first things Wilson did upon arriving was to get to know his signal caller. He obviously admired him while competing against him.

“In my opinion, from afar, I think that’s the best quarterback in college football,” Wilson said in his postgame press conference. “Some of these guys have some stats, I’m not saying it because he’s in our league – I’m not a homer. When you watch that kid play, that kid and his unselfishness … he went through a lot. He was a premier player in the country two years ago when he got injured.

“He’s one of the best players, he’s one of the best teammates. I’m not in their locker room, I’m sure he’s a phenomenal leader. That’s why those young players are playing so well. He might have been off today, but he’s human. I think J.T. Barrett is an awesome football player.” - Courtesy Land Of 10, Ryan Ginn

After coming to Ohio State and spending time with Barrett:

"As we go through, again my ability to connect with our staff, my ability to connect with our players, we have our units but as a coordinator, how do you get those guys to play together?” he said. “Working with J.T. means you've gotta bring it every day. And I am.”

Wilson and Ryan Day (co-coordinators) have some of the best young talent as a whole at Barrett's disposal this season with a loaded backfield (Mike Weber, Demario McCall, and Antonio Williams) to go with plenty of options at WR (Parris Campbell, Johnnie Dixon, K.J. Hill, and Bin Victor). If history has been any indicator, most, if not all of these players will see plenty of reps in the fast running style that Wilson plays.

This season is one that begins with high anticipation because the offense we saw at the end of the 2015 season (national Champions) is what this offense should look like ... and then some.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

TWSS: Introducing Melissa Keish

Hey TWSS readers and Buckeye Nation! I'm Melissa (or some of you may know me as Mel), from Youngstown, Ohio - born and raised. If you don't know where that is, well one of the best ex-OSU coaches currently resides here. And if you don't know who that is, what kind of Buckeye fan are you? I'm very excited to be writing with my BSU ladies and the guys, and no, we won't tell you what it stands for, so don't even ask.                                                                                                                     My other half, Dan, is also a huge Buckeye fan, so that makes my Saturdays a little more special, since we get to root for OSU together (even though I might embarrass him, since I get so into the games with my yelling and all). I'm very excited for this season and for what's to come with TWSS. I hope we make Buckeye Nation proud!! GO BUCKS!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

TWSS: Introducing Lindsay Kurpes!!

Let me start by saying thanks to all the awesome Buckeye fans who took a second to check us out! We are a great group of people who love our Buckeyes and are passionate about all things scarlet and gray!!

I'm a Buckeye girl from NW Ohio who moved South over 11 yrs ago. First to the panhandle of Florida, a short stint in lower Alabama, and finally back to Florida. Just like my girl Diana, we live where you vacation. Don't fret, there are major Buckeye fans in the state of Florida, and we proudly sport our scarlet and gray all over the state! I'm married to my BFF Chris, we have a beautiful daughter, Elizabeth (from his first marriage) and a sweet pup, Jasper P Buckeye. We've been trying to add to our family for a little over 5 yrs, and I fully trust God has a plan worked out for us, someday we will welcome a new Buckeye to this world, just wait for it...

My husband is an Alabama fan, and before you moan and groan, he's NOT a scUM fan, so quit complaining!! He is very supportive of our guys and I do my best to cheer his guys on too. Unless we're playing one another, life is beautiful!!

I'm very thankful for my girls: Momma MJ, Diana, and Melissa; they are family and are a very large part of my life. We are known as BSU, and are an open book, unless you ask us what that term means. We are super excited for an awesome season, some fun blogs, special guests and cheering on our QB, JT Barrett!!!! Needless to say, we LOVE that guy!!

Check me out on Twitter @Buckeyelinds27

TWSS: Introducing Diana Witherwax!

Hey y'all! I'm Diana, otherwise known as @diana_sue.

First off, thank y'all for following #TWSS and reading our blog in advance. I personally had a lot of fun writing a few times for the BBC and I'm extremely excited to talk everything Buckeye! We're going to have a good time with it and hopefully some special guests will come through!

I've been a Buckeye since day one! My stroller was scarlet and gray. I was born and raised in Columbus. I moved to Florida in October of 2001. It was a HUGE change for me but needless to say I have adjusted pretty well. Florida has SO many Ohio State fans. I hear an O-H at least two times a day. It really fires me up!

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know I live in South Florida (I live where you vacation), I love the Buckeyes, the ocean, whiskey and country music. I'm very blunt. I'll give you my opinion regardless if you like it or not. Oh, and I can't forget my girls, Mel, Linds, and Mama Jane (MJ). We became extremely close before the 2014 Championship ride. I consider them a part of my family and share everything with them.

You'll also see me tweet about the Miami Hurricanes once in awhile. I married a die hard CANES fan. I hold season tickets at Hard Rock Stadium. (What the hell, I know.) Yes, my husband is still a little butt hurt from the 02’ National Championship game. When he talks crap, I bring out the Columbus Dispatch or a picture of Maurice Clarett striping the ball from Sean Taylor (RIP26). If it's bad enough, I'll drop a yellow penalty flag. :) Yes, I'm evil. I know.

Something people always ask is how do we make it work during football season? We both love our teams so much. We support each other 100%. I go to all of his Hurricane home games as long as it doesn't interfere with watching the Buckeyes. Hell, we've even watched Ohio State in the stadium bar  before Canes games. That doesn't usually go over well there. He goes to the local OSU Alumni Bar with me and cheers louder than most of the other Palm Beach Buckeyes. He knows every OSU song, starts the O-H chants when needed, and even wears OSU gear with a Miami hat. Needless to say I'm extremely proud. (Sorry that I told your secret babe!) We do a LOT of double days in Miami and then to the Buckeye bar to cheer on the men of scarlet and gray!

Also, I LOVE J.T. Barrett. Feel free to share my pin on my Twitter timeline. #ThatsMYQB

I can't wait to share stories, opinions, and write articles about the Buckeyes!

Go Bucks!!! O-H!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Welcome to That's What She Said; A Buckeye Fan Blog

Hello Buckeye Fans! We would like to introduce ourselves to the world today. A simple play on words, we came to the decision it will mean so much more when we are through with you(That's What She Said)!!! We are hitting the ground running with a lot more ladies of Buckeye fandom as we have secured the services of the #BSU. Don't ask me or them what the BSU stands for because only the four of them know.

One things is for sure though, Lindsay, Diana, Jane and Melissa(clockwise from top left) and my daughter Kristiana will bring the heat. They will definitely show you why we decided with #TWSS. This can mean so many things(and probably will) but mostly it will be about their passion for the Buckeyes.

We have brought along some friendly faces from this groups tBBC days in Scott Halasz, Charles Kuehn, Chris Hunt and Mike Doty Sr.and are going to be adding people as we move along. So if you are interested in writing(don't worry because Scott and Charles are here to save us from ourselves) and putting your passion to the test, e-mail us at 

First and foremost we will always be here to have a good time and support our Buckeyes. There is no schedule to keep and there won't be any bad ideas, just bad writing and #TWSS out of the blue! We invite you to follow us on twitter #TWSS We know you will enjoy this journey we are bringing you on! Look for exciting times ahead! 
