Saturday, September 16, 2017

Army Game Day Preview

OK fans, this is normally where we preview the upcoming game and highlight the match-ups for Saturday's game. I don't always follow the rules, I follow my heart, and well, this week's behavior from most of our fan base deserves something a little different. So get your fingers off your keyboard and listen up.

I'm so nauseated and disgusted by the behavior of some fans, recruits, and past players that I cannot fathom the complete meltdown that has occurred in #BuckeyeNation. We just lost to the No. 5 team in the country, not a sub bowl team like Appalachian State, sorry not sorry scUM. Do I like losing, ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Does it happen, YES!!! It is how you learn and react to a loss that shows your character and integrity. And most fans, you earned a big fat F in that test.

This Saturday's game against Army will showcase a hungry, angry team that deserves your unending support and love, these are your BUCKEYES!! Kevin Wilson has taken the blame for his play calling thus far in the season, and to his defense, he's still learning this team too. This will be corrected and will leave fans ooohing and ahhhing at the offensive firepower by the end of the season. As fans, we must be patient, and understand that growing pains do happen, even to OUR team.

I'm a proud, loyal Buckeye fan and I sure hope our fans get their heads back on straight and focus on the end goal, which is still so very much in play. This team plays their hearts out for us and deserve our support, even when the final whistle blows and the end result isn't what we want. We still need to applaud these guys and pick them up when they are down. GO BUCKS ALWAYS!!!!

**Oh, and sorry in advance Army, this team is hungry and you happened to pick the wrong week to end up on the schedule!! #GoBucks

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