Wednesday, December 13, 2017

TWSS Awards: Buckeyes Football 2017

It was a pretty good season and even though it is not over quite yet, the staff here got together and named our award winners. Take a look and let us know what you think!


Offensive MVP
WVa - JT Frickin Barrett (in my it’s the %*)$@#& Catalina wine mixer voice)
Scott -  JT Barrett
Diana - JT Barrett
Lindsay - JT Barrett
Jane - JT Barrett
Mel - JT Barrett
Shannon - Joe.Thomas.Barrett
Chris - JT Barrett
Joe Thomas Barrett is the man and a unanimous choice here and has been all season! He will be missed

tOSU O-line MVP
WVa - Billy Price
Scott -  Billy Price
Diana - Billy Price
Lindsay - Billy Price
Jane - Billy Price - RIMINGTON AWARD WINNER!!!
Mel - Billy Price
Shannon - Billy Price
Chris - Price
Billy Price made the move to center and it paid great dividends for the team and himself. Yes Jane! That makes Ohio State back-to-back winners of the Rimington Award.

tOSU Offensive Unsung
WVa - Parris Campbell, when he was healthy teams HAD to pay attention to him.
Scott - Mike Weber
Diana - JK Dobbins
Lindsay - JK’s success is noted, I think our OLine slobs are the unsung heroes
Jane - Mike Weber
Mel - JK Dobbins
Shannon -  Isaiah Prince
Chris - JK Dobbins
All-American Frosh J.K. Dobbins sneaks by here.

Offensive Top Play
WVa - Parris Campbell homerun in B1G title game like Scott says
Scott - Parris Campbell TD in B1G title game.
Diana - Terry McLauren B1G Title
Lindsay - JT comeback in the PSU game, 16 yd pass to Marcus Baugh with 1:48 left in the game
Shannon - So many to pick from but the nail in the coffin Weber run in The Game
Chris - 13 yard completion on 3rd down  from Haskins to Mack against Meat Chicken to get the first down and continue the drive.
Too difficult to pull the trigger here even though Parris has more votes. Everyone wins!


tOSU Defensive MVP
WVa -  Nick Bosa, evidence by the collapse after his ejection
Scott - Nick Bosa
Diana - Sam Hubbard
Lindsay - Nick Bosa/Sam Hubbard tie
Jane - Nick Bosa
Mel - Sam Hubbard
Shannon - Nick Bosa
Chris - Sam Hubbard
Nick Bosa is the choice, and probably truly showed his worth after the ejection at Iowa.

tOSU D-line MVP
WVa -  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scott - Nick Bosa
Diana - Baby Bear Nick Bosa
Lindsay - Nick Bosa
Jane - Nick Bosa
Mel - Nick Bosa
Shannon - Nick Bosa
Chris - Hubbard
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

tOSU Defensive Unsung
WVa - Going with Jane and Chris here, Big Robert Landers was THE force inside this season.
Scott - Chris Worley
Lindsay - Tyquan Lewis
Jane -  Robert Landers (from my hometown, Dayton OH-IO)
Mel - Tyquan Lewis
Shannon - Damon Webb
Chris - Robert Landers
Robert Landers had a massive season and is the leader here.

tOSU Defensive Top Play
WVa - Lindsay has it . . , no better defensive play and ESPY worthy
Scott - Any tackle in game against TTUN
Lindsay - Sam Hubbard tackling two guys at once...he was not letting go
Jane - Bosa in the B1G Championship sacking Hornibrook on crucial 3rd down
Mel - What my Muffin said lol
Shannon- Hubbard Penn State Hug
Chris - SAm Hubbard DRILLING Barkley and McSorley
Is there a better play in all of college football this season? I think not . . ,

Odds and Ends

tOSU Special Teams MVP
WVa - why didn’t someone stop me from putting this here?
Scott - nobody deserving
Lindsay - grrrr… /second half our punter was a bit better
Jane - Ummm, Let me think…..  …. ..  . ummmm….. …. .
Mel - N/A
Shannon - Sean Nuemberger (extra points since he set a record) not on kick offs
Chris - No One
This was one of those moments where we accidentally bit our own tongues wasn't it?

tOSU Needs Improvement
WVa - the special needs special teams, the coach over them should be fired . . , oh.wait!
Scott - special teams
Diana - Special Teams for sure
Lindsay - special teams
Jane - Special Teams
Mel - Special Teams
Shannon - Linebackers, special teams
Chris - Special teams for SURE!
Special needs for special teams

tOSU Next Big Star
WVa - I think JK is there already and may run away with the heisman his junior year. I think the next big star is coming from the defensive side of the ball and Chase Young.
Scott - JK Dobbins
Diana - JK Dobbins & Johnnie Dixon
Lindsay - JK Dobbins and Chase Young/also watch next year for Tate, kid is special and will see the field 👀
Jane - Binjimen Victor
Mel - Chase Young
Chris - Dobbins
J.K. Dobbins will be huge next year

Conference Awards

TB1G Coach of the Year
WVa - Scottio and Chris with the right choice, does anyone else win with less like he always has?
Scott - Pat Fitzgerald
Diana - Urban Meyer
Lindsay - Hairball...oh, coach of the year, I read buffon of the year! Meyer because OSU coaches win NC’s and never coach of the year!
Jane - Paul Chryst
Mel - Urban..I don’t care if I’m Biased
Shannon - Mark Dantonio. Bounced back after the 3-9 season and all the off the field stuff with a red shirt freshman qb and just about as young a team as Michigan
Chris - Pat Fitzgerald
Pat Fitzgerald just keeps winning with less, some day he will be richly rewarded.

TB1G Offensive Player of the Year(Not OSU)
WVa - Barkley impressed me more than any other player this year. Aside from his lack of rushing against the Buckeyes he set a pretty quick tone to the game with the opening return.
Scott - Justin Jackson, Northwestern
Diana - Saquon Barkley
Lindsay - Barkley
Jane - Troy Fumagalli. I’m sick of QB’s & RB’s. Give me a TIGHT END anyday!!!
Mel - O’Korn
Shannon - Jonathon Taylor
Chris - Jonathan Taylor
Saquon Barkley is tough on the field and a pretty good guy off it. Easy choice here!

TB1G Defensive Player of the Year(Not OSU)
WVa - Josey Jewell the tewell
Scott - TJ Edwards
Diana - Josh Jackson
Lindsay - long haired, blonde punk from Wiscy
Jane - What Lindsay said. He was an irritable gnat in the B1G Championship.
Shannon -Maurice Hurst
Chris - Maurice Hurst
Its a tie between two annoying players Hurst and VanGinkel

TB1G Surprise Team
WVa - Sparty No!
Scott - Michigan State
Diana - ❌Ichigan State
Lindsay - MSU
Jane - Purdue
Mel - MSU
Shannon - Purdue Boilermakers
Chris - Northwestern
Sparty No! wins this hands down

Monday, November 20, 2017

That's What He Said: Roy Hall's Top Ten DON'T's for Xichigan Week

Roy Hall has been gracious enough to write out his Top Ten dont’s  for the best week in college football. It’s Ohio State versus Xichigan hate week and Roy tells it like it is around the players headed into this gaXe. This ran on Xonday's regularly at tBBC.

2006 - TD in the 2006 GaXe of the Century

The Ohio State-Xichigan rivalry is the best rivalry ever! With that being said, there are certain things that you don’t do during Xichigan week. Associating with yellow in any way is unacceptable! So here is a guide, Xy top 10 things not to do during Xichigan week.


10) When the waitress asks you “Do you want leXon in your water?” the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! Alternative: Get extra ice

9) No Xatter how Xuch your son or daughter Xay love SpongeBob, he needs to stay in the sea and off of your tv. Alternative: Watch Dora

8)Yellow deer crossing signs…Those deer need to stay in the woods this week! If they come in the street, they are from Xichigan and deserve to suffer the consequences. Alternative: Walk

7) Forbidden Fruits AND vegetables: Pineapples, bananas and corn! Yes, that Xeans no corn in your Chipotle bowl! Alternative: Try black beans in your bowl

6) If its snowing during the gaXe, like in 2002, AVOID ALL YELLOW SNOW! Alternative: Try a cherry icee

5) No scraXbled eggs with cheese! If you eat eggs with a yolk you’re not a Buckeye! Alternative: Egg Whites

4) Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let your child ride the yellow school bus to school! Alternative: Drive theX yourself

3) I’m sorry all you “Golden Arch” supporters but no XcDonald’s! It’s a giant yellow “X!” Alternative: Wendy’s (The entire sign is scarlet)

2) Again, I’X sorry, but if you’re a Hugh JackXan fan, take your posters down. He played “Wolverine” in X-XEN. Not to Xention in the cartoon he wore a yellow outfit. That’s the ultiXate No! Alternative: BecoXe a Xagneto fan for the day!

1) Do not use the bathrooX (#1) unless you are fully hydrated! What’s in you will eventually coXe out of you. If yellow coXes out YOU ARE NOT A BUCKEYE! Drink tons of Fruit Punch Gatorade and you should be “clear.” Alternative: Only use the bathrooX in the dark. That way you can’t see if you are one if theX….


Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Greetings  From Behind Enemy Lines,

Today I've decided to write an open letter to the Buckeye faithful still recovering from the beat down laid upon us by Iowa. In Layman's Terms GET OVER IT and move on.
Seriously between Facebook and Twitter posts, some of this fan base has lost their minds.
To the Fire Urban Meyer Crowd, really? and to the he's Got to Bench J.T Barrett and Build for Next Season Because This One Is Lost Geniuses and my personal favorite from, former players things were so much better in the 90's and that's what this team has to get back too. Ha make me laugh.

These are reasons why you should never tweet or Facebook post during games when you are emotional or have had several libations.

Let's take on the Fire Urban Crowd first since these seem to be either the most drunk people on the planet or their little egos have been hurt so much because they can't go out and smack talk other fan bases. Memo: The man in six seasons is 68-8 with a national title in his third year here and it won't be the last. Do I need to remind you people who were alive during the 90's of the John  Cooper Era, sure he had great recruits but was 2-10-1 against Ann Arbor and some of those players who post things on social media about this current team need to remember that. I would really like to know what goes through someone's head when  they post Urban should be fired and they should hire Bo Pelini because he'll bring in good Ohio boys who will give effort. Remember the last time Pelini faced Urban and they hung 63 on him? To the genius who thinks we were sold a bill of goods on Urban that he's not that great of a coach to both of these individuals,  I say for the sane portion of Buckeye Nation put down the Jack Daniels and turn in your Buckeye Cards immediately.

To bench the J.T crowd on radio and social media here is your reality check. The young man is the winningest QB in Ohio State history. Yes he a had a terrible outing against Iowa. But he wasn't the only one. The defense for some reason seemed to lose desire of playing the rest of the game when Bosa was tossed (what in the hell was he thinking by the way?).  I actually saw a Facebook comment from one guy who thought J.T. pulled a Pete Rose and bet against his team. Dude, you really need to sleep that one off. Urban is going to ride this out to the end with J.T. For those wanting to see Haskins or Burrow, you are going to have to wait until the bowl practices and spring or God forbid an Injury to J.T.

Is this season a disappointment because we won't be in the payoffs? Sure it is. Is it  the end of the season? No. Beat Sparty on Saturday and win out, then we get to spoil Wisconsin's perfect season.

Now some of the comments I've heard this week that this is the most disappointing loss in Ohio Stae History, wrong! Hell even that night in desert in 2007 or the Tressel debacle in 2008 against LSU were not the most disappointing losses. Remember 1998 Against Sparty and being No. 1? Remember being up 24-9 and then losing to Saban, 28-24? Even that's not the most disappointing loss.  Here are 1A and 1B.
Let's start with 1B, compliments of our friends from Ann Arbor. In 1993, OSU rolled into Ann Arbor 10-0-1. Beat Ann Arbor and it's Rose Bowl time. They proceeded to get smacked, 28-0. Then there is 1A, also compliments of Ann Arbor. A not-great Buckeye team, 8-3 at the time led by Herbie. This is the game that left us, in my opinion, with the most embarrassing moment in Buckeye History, an image still burned in to my brain in a 31-3 loss.
Image result for desmond howard heisman pose

Nothing in Buckeye Nation will ever make me get over this anger. Some of you people need to revisit history before making such moronic comments. I'm far from being Captain Rah Rah, but at least I have seen enough Buckeye games in my lifetime that last Saturday's event's won't send me over the edge and it shouldn't send you over either. So big deal, no College Football Playoff, you've been to two already and no one can ever take the First Undisputed Championship away from us. The B1G title is still out there for the taking and Sparty is about to face a very mad Ohio State team. We aren't entitled to a national championship every year, but we will always be a factor very year.

Just a little perspective from up north. Until Next Time OH-

The Buckeye Behind Enemy Lines

What He Said: How do the Buckeyes recover from Iowa?

The Campbell family
There is an end game to the picture that I have included above, I promise.

One of the things that I truly love about college football is the possibility that a team can bring their A-game at any moment in any match-up. We have seen it over and over this season and probably more than we have seen early in a season in recent years. There have been multiple games of an unranked team beating a very good power five team that has expectations of making the CFP.

Let's face it, Buckeye fans root for the underdog in most cases because they want some help getting to the top. The time is now for that to really happen, but a lot of it has to happen for the Buckeyes to get back in the convo. It's not going to happen though, I think at least three of the top four have been decided and the only involvement the Buckeyes will have in it is maybe keeping Wisconsin from it.

I knew that the Buckeyes had dodged bullets in the past since Urban Meyer's arrival and for the most part the wins have been the rule and not the exception. We fans are spoiled beyond belief. I have read multiple theories so far around the why and my least favorite of these is that the defense just isn't that good. I don't buy that for a second and what I will sell you is that Nick Bosa means more to the heartbeat of the team than you think.

The offense was a combination of things from a great gameplan by Iowa to a cover guy playing the game of his life spying. The least favorite I have seen this week, and mostly from fans is that J.T. Barrett is the QB we have always feared he was. I am sorry but that is ludicrous. You don't have a quarter in the best comeback in forever without being pretty good. J.T. is not the problem.

He was on one of the better streaks for an Ohio State QB that I have ever witnessed and he was bound to have a bad game again. All players have them and it's unfortunate but Troy Smith's didn't come until playing Florida! J.T. Barrett is the only chance we have to get back in the saddle and compete for a B1G title over the next few weeks.

I am not 100 percent sure where I read it, but it is the one thing that I have read that almost made sense. Someone was writing about the culture that Urban Meyer has created in Columbus and whether or not the players have bought into it. The interesting part of the theory is they are comparing what he has accomplished while there versus what Nick Saban has in Alabama.

The foundation of the theory is that while recruiting at a very high level in the country and just as good as Nick Saban, that somehow he is getting players that only care about getting to the NFL. First of all, wasn't that Saban's excuse for why they lost to the Buckeyes in the CFP? He said he had players that were already checking out for the NFL.

This is not a unique problem for the Buckeyes and every college coach in America faces this at some point. The reason I have included the picture of the Campbell family in this article is to tell you that I have no doubt there is a good culture in Columbus. That the players and parents are mostly focused on the now and winning it all. They may have one eye on the future prize, but not showing up in a game can ruin a lot of people's thoughts on a special player.

I have been fortunate enough to get to know Parris' mother and family all the way up to his awesome grandfather. I can tell you, and they will also, that there is no problem at Ohio State with these kids only looking to the future. I believe they will also tell you that nobody is more disappointed in Saturday's loss than the players and they all wish they could have the game back.

Unfortunately, that's not how this works. They have to accept the loss and move forward. Prove themselves to the rest of America. It wasn't the culture or the players lack of buying into the Urban Meyer system, not even close. They just simply got outplayed and beaten in a way that they will never forget. Trust me when I say that this team is a team that might have a say in the postseason, but they control that.

The Buckeyes have to get back to the business they know and that's playing a stout defense and continue to be efficient on offense. The Nick Bosa loss last week was a game changer for sure, but they can prove themselves against Sparty. J.T. has his bad game out of his system and can now focus on taking care of things as they come.

They will recover because it is what Buckeyes do, and they will do it with the support of the best support group in the land.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What He Said; Behind Enemy Lines

Once again it's time for another addition of Behind Enemy Lines.

Greetings from The State Up North.

I hope all of you are doing well. Yes it's been a while. Unfortunately real life gets in the way of fun. Usually I write a grilling column, but not this week.

Instead my wife and daughter surprised me for my 52nd birthday with two tickets to the UNLV game.
Like most Buckeye fans, the first thing that pops in to your mind is why go to a blowout when I can watch it on TV from the comfort of my living room. However the second ticket was a wonderful opportunity to take my grandson Carson to his first Buckeye game and as an added surprise, take my father and the rest of us to visit my aunt and cousins in Southern Ahia, err, Ohio. If you have been along Route 23 and/or 53 you will understand that bad attempt at a joke.

Except for school or business or the occasional Buckeye game, I had not been home to Columbus since my mother had passed away nearly 40 years ago and it's been nearly 25 years since I had visited my father's sister, and my uncle and cousins. I can not thank my wife and my daughter enough for the thoughtful gift, especially my daughter who became a TTUN fan (I know terrible parenting on my part). But Carson is all Buckeye so I have my second chance.

Taking Carson to his first game in Ohio Stadium was a very surreal for me because I got to vicariously see it through his eyes, while also remembering my first visit when I was 10. The look on his face after passing through Gate 25 and the entrance to our seats in 29AA was the most rewarding experience I have ever felt. The look on his face when he saw TBDBITL live and the crowd was priceless. Just being able to share quality time with the future generation of our family will forever fill my heart.
His smile at the Buckeye Grove and during the game will be memories that are a part of my heart forever. After the game on the drive to my aunt's we decided to visit two of my childhood homes. The last one I had lived in Columbus when my mom passed and the first that I remember.

I'm appreciative of the drive down spending time with my dad and actually finally paying attention to him telling me how proud he was of the man that I had become, my cousin for her and her husband's hospitality for putting up with us for two days, and being able to relive the memories of growing up and remembering what a fantastic place where the land that I was born is.

To my wife and my daughter, I will never be able to repay you for the greatest gift you have ever given me. To my mother, everyday I cherish your memory and my father, thank you for being my dad,  and most importantly to Carson, someday when you are your papa's age and have a grandson of your own, I hope you are able to take him to a game and remember your first with me. It is an honor to be your grandfather and you make me proud every day.

I hope I haven't sounded to sappy or bored any of you, Just wanted to share my experience of being able to go back home and if you are an out of state Ohioan and haven't been back in a while, let me suggest you put it front and center of your bucket list. It'll do your heart good. 


Until Next Time OH


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Army Game Day Preview

OK fans, this is normally where we preview the upcoming game and highlight the match-ups for Saturday's game. I don't always follow the rules, I follow my heart, and well, this week's behavior from most of our fan base deserves something a little different. So get your fingers off your keyboard and listen up.

I'm so nauseated and disgusted by the behavior of some fans, recruits, and past players that I cannot fathom the complete meltdown that has occurred in #BuckeyeNation. We just lost to the No. 5 team in the country, not a sub bowl team like Appalachian State, sorry not sorry scUM. Do I like losing, ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Does it happen, YES!!! It is how you learn and react to a loss that shows your character and integrity. And most fans, you earned a big fat F in that test.

This Saturday's game against Army will showcase a hungry, angry team that deserves your unending support and love, these are your BUCKEYES!! Kevin Wilson has taken the blame for his play calling thus far in the season, and to his defense, he's still learning this team too. This will be corrected and will leave fans ooohing and ahhhing at the offensive firepower by the end of the season. As fans, we must be patient, and understand that growing pains do happen, even to OUR team.

I'm a proud, loyal Buckeye fan and I sure hope our fans get their heads back on straight and focus on the end goal, which is still so very much in play. This team plays their hearts out for us and deserve our support, even when the final whistle blows and the end result isn't what we want. We still need to applaud these guys and pick them up when they are down. GO BUCKS ALWAYS!!!!

**Oh, and sorry in advance Army, this team is hungry and you happened to pick the wrong week to end up on the schedule!! #GoBucks

Thursday, September 14, 2017

TWSS: #AskBSU; Army

four fans.jpg

What is the most disappointing part about the haters in #BuckeyeNation and what would you say/do to them if they weren’t hiding behind a social media account?

Diana -  I am COMPLETELY disgusted by the haters. I'm not the type of person who will hold my tongue to someone's face. I would not hesitate to tell them to go hop on another bandwagon. We don't need the haters and “fans” who trash talk our players, coaches, and those families. I saw someone on the comments of an article on Facebook go as far as wishing that J.T. Barrett would have had the flag planted in his leg so he would play anymore. Absolutely uncalled for. Those “fans” should be ashamed of themselves.
Mel - it's actually very sad and pathetic. The tweets I have seen to players, coaches and Urban Meyer's wife, Shelley, are totally uncalled for. When it comes down to its just a football game. RELAX, the Buckeyes will be fine. Suck it Haters!! Jump off the bandwagon

Lindsay - I'm completely nauseated and disheartened by the behavior of so called fans, former players, and recruits. This is not what we stand for and not who we are #BuckeyeNation. Get your s#$% together and support this team 100 percent of the time or find another team!!!! We lost to the No. 5 team not Appalachian State for goodness sakes, walk away from the ledge and get your fingers off your keyboard!!!

Jane - It has been disheartening. Was I disappointed, yes. Frustrated, yes. Would I talk trash about 18-22 year-old kids, never. So called adults having temper tantrums over a football game! Do you know how LUCKY we (YOU) are to root for a team that has losses in the SINGLE DIGITS over the past six years and have only had to “endure” ONE LOSS to our greatest rival in not even recent history????? Chill! Grow up!!! And, if you can't stop acting like a toddler...find another team. Don't tarnish what is the unparalleled greatness of academics, sports  and tradition that is THE Ohio State University.

How much faith do you have in the stance Urban Meyer is taking on J.T. Barrett?

Diana - Urban Meyer is THE GOAT. I'm 100 percent confident in his choices. His record clearly shows that. He will make the best choices for HIS team. Anyone who thinks otherwise can… :)

Mel - I have 100 percent faith in Urban. He's one of the best college football coaches. I mean, he knows better than all of us. So take a seat arm-chair coaches and let Urban work his magic.

Lindsay - Urban Meyer is one of the top coaches in the country, will go down in history as one of the best, and I support him 150 percent. He has always made the best decisions to put his team in the best position to win. He has no qualms about starting true freshmen, that shows you that he puts the best players on the field no matter what. As we say in BSU #TrustUrban

Jane - Urban is the coach. Urban’s record and character speaks for itself. When those that have more than complained have his experience or his record….then we can talk. 100 percent.

How will the Buckeye offense respond to the adversity it's faced this week?

Diana - I personally think there will be some adjustments and we will see more dynamic play calling.  I'm ready to watch some pissed off Buckeyes.

Mel - They’re gonna come out ready and pissed...especially after Baker Mayfield disrespected The Shoe. Its gonna be a whole different team.

Lindsay - This team will be mad and hungry!!! I cannot wait to see them make some big strides on the offensive side of the ball. I think Kevin Wilson is seeing what mistakes he's made and what he needs to do to remedy that. This team will be ready to play.

Jane - I'm sure lessons have been learned and will continue to be. I'm anxious to see a crisper team and the development of different play calling.

What needs to happen with the back seven, if anything, and who has shown up for you so far?

Diana - Honestly, the back seven hasn't lived up to my expectations thus far. Through two games no one has really stood out to me. Ask me again later in the season.

Mel - I agree with the BSU ladies

Lindsay - I agree with D, let's address this question in a few weeks. I feel we need to see more and then we can discuss.

Jane - I was expecting to see a dynamic and accurate group and hoping to see a couple standouts, it hasn't yet happened. In reality, they are a young squad and I think we will start to see standouts as the weeks progress.

What would you ask of the coaching staff that hasn't already been asked?

Diana - I'm not a coach, so I'm not going to ask them to do anything. I'm going to continue support them! #TrustUrban

Mel - Just keep doing your thing. #TrustUrban

Lindsay - Not a darn thing!!! I'm a fan and a loyal supporter, it's not my job to ask them questions, it's my job to support them 150 percent!!! I trust the army that Urban has assembled. I cannot wait to see this shift this season and watch the haters in our fan base scramble to make excuses for their behavior this week. We have everything still in play...just wait for it ✌

Jane - #BSU #TrustUrban. No questions asked. He has earned his place at the helm of the Buckeye football team.