Monday, November 20, 2017

That's What He Said: Roy Hall's Top Ten DON'T's for Xichigan Week

Roy Hall has been gracious enough to write out his Top Ten dont’s  for the best week in college football. It’s Ohio State versus Xichigan hate week and Roy tells it like it is around the players headed into this gaXe. This ran on Xonday's regularly at tBBC.

2006 - TD in the 2006 GaXe of the Century

The Ohio State-Xichigan rivalry is the best rivalry ever! With that being said, there are certain things that you don’t do during Xichigan week. Associating with yellow in any way is unacceptable! So here is a guide, Xy top 10 things not to do during Xichigan week.


10) When the waitress asks you “Do you want leXon in your water?” the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! Alternative: Get extra ice

9) No Xatter how Xuch your son or daughter Xay love SpongeBob, he needs to stay in the sea and off of your tv. Alternative: Watch Dora

8)Yellow deer crossing signs…Those deer need to stay in the woods this week! If they come in the street, they are from Xichigan and deserve to suffer the consequences. Alternative: Walk

7) Forbidden Fruits AND vegetables: Pineapples, bananas and corn! Yes, that Xeans no corn in your Chipotle bowl! Alternative: Try black beans in your bowl

6) If its snowing during the gaXe, like in 2002, AVOID ALL YELLOW SNOW! Alternative: Try a cherry icee

5) No scraXbled eggs with cheese! If you eat eggs with a yolk you’re not a Buckeye! Alternative: Egg Whites

4) Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let your child ride the yellow school bus to school! Alternative: Drive theX yourself

3) I’m sorry all you “Golden Arch” supporters but no XcDonald’s! It’s a giant yellow “X!” Alternative: Wendy’s (The entire sign is scarlet)

2) Again, I’X sorry, but if you’re a Hugh JackXan fan, take your posters down. He played “Wolverine” in X-XEN. Not to Xention in the cartoon he wore a yellow outfit. That’s the ultiXate No! Alternative: BecoXe a Xagneto fan for the day!

1) Do not use the bathrooX (#1) unless you are fully hydrated! What’s in you will eventually coXe out of you. If yellow coXes out YOU ARE NOT A BUCKEYE! Drink tons of Fruit Punch Gatorade and you should be “clear.” Alternative: Only use the bathrooX in the dark. That way you can’t see if you are one if theX….


Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Greetings  From Behind Enemy Lines,

Today I've decided to write an open letter to the Buckeye faithful still recovering from the beat down laid upon us by Iowa. In Layman's Terms GET OVER IT and move on.
Seriously between Facebook and Twitter posts, some of this fan base has lost their minds.
To the Fire Urban Meyer Crowd, really? and to the he's Got to Bench J.T Barrett and Build for Next Season Because This One Is Lost Geniuses and my personal favorite from, former players things were so much better in the 90's and that's what this team has to get back too. Ha make me laugh.

These are reasons why you should never tweet or Facebook post during games when you are emotional or have had several libations.

Let's take on the Fire Urban Crowd first since these seem to be either the most drunk people on the planet or their little egos have been hurt so much because they can't go out and smack talk other fan bases. Memo: The man in six seasons is 68-8 with a national title in his third year here and it won't be the last. Do I need to remind you people who were alive during the 90's of the John  Cooper Era, sure he had great recruits but was 2-10-1 against Ann Arbor and some of those players who post things on social media about this current team need to remember that. I would really like to know what goes through someone's head when  they post Urban should be fired and they should hire Bo Pelini because he'll bring in good Ohio boys who will give effort. Remember the last time Pelini faced Urban and they hung 63 on him? To the genius who thinks we were sold a bill of goods on Urban that he's not that great of a coach to both of these individuals,  I say for the sane portion of Buckeye Nation put down the Jack Daniels and turn in your Buckeye Cards immediately.

To bench the J.T crowd on radio and social media here is your reality check. The young man is the winningest QB in Ohio State history. Yes he a had a terrible outing against Iowa. But he wasn't the only one. The defense for some reason seemed to lose desire of playing the rest of the game when Bosa was tossed (what in the hell was he thinking by the way?).  I actually saw a Facebook comment from one guy who thought J.T. pulled a Pete Rose and bet against his team. Dude, you really need to sleep that one off. Urban is going to ride this out to the end with J.T. For those wanting to see Haskins or Burrow, you are going to have to wait until the bowl practices and spring or God forbid an Injury to J.T.

Is this season a disappointment because we won't be in the payoffs? Sure it is. Is it  the end of the season? No. Beat Sparty on Saturday and win out, then we get to spoil Wisconsin's perfect season.

Now some of the comments I've heard this week that this is the most disappointing loss in Ohio Stae History, wrong! Hell even that night in desert in 2007 or the Tressel debacle in 2008 against LSU were not the most disappointing losses. Remember 1998 Against Sparty and being No. 1? Remember being up 24-9 and then losing to Saban, 28-24? Even that's not the most disappointing loss.  Here are 1A and 1B.
Let's start with 1B, compliments of our friends from Ann Arbor. In 1993, OSU rolled into Ann Arbor 10-0-1. Beat Ann Arbor and it's Rose Bowl time. They proceeded to get smacked, 28-0. Then there is 1A, also compliments of Ann Arbor. A not-great Buckeye team, 8-3 at the time led by Herbie. This is the game that left us, in my opinion, with the most embarrassing moment in Buckeye History, an image still burned in to my brain in a 31-3 loss.
Image result for desmond howard heisman pose

Nothing in Buckeye Nation will ever make me get over this anger. Some of you people need to revisit history before making such moronic comments. I'm far from being Captain Rah Rah, but at least I have seen enough Buckeye games in my lifetime that last Saturday's event's won't send me over the edge and it shouldn't send you over either. So big deal, no College Football Playoff, you've been to two already and no one can ever take the First Undisputed Championship away from us. The B1G title is still out there for the taking and Sparty is about to face a very mad Ohio State team. We aren't entitled to a national championship every year, but we will always be a factor very year.

Just a little perspective from up north. Until Next Time OH-

The Buckeye Behind Enemy Lines

What He Said: How do the Buckeyes recover from Iowa?

The Campbell family
There is an end game to the picture that I have included above, I promise.

One of the things that I truly love about college football is the possibility that a team can bring their A-game at any moment in any match-up. We have seen it over and over this season and probably more than we have seen early in a season in recent years. There have been multiple games of an unranked team beating a very good power five team that has expectations of making the CFP.

Let's face it, Buckeye fans root for the underdog in most cases because they want some help getting to the top. The time is now for that to really happen, but a lot of it has to happen for the Buckeyes to get back in the convo. It's not going to happen though, I think at least three of the top four have been decided and the only involvement the Buckeyes will have in it is maybe keeping Wisconsin from it.

I knew that the Buckeyes had dodged bullets in the past since Urban Meyer's arrival and for the most part the wins have been the rule and not the exception. We fans are spoiled beyond belief. I have read multiple theories so far around the why and my least favorite of these is that the defense just isn't that good. I don't buy that for a second and what I will sell you is that Nick Bosa means more to the heartbeat of the team than you think.

The offense was a combination of things from a great gameplan by Iowa to a cover guy playing the game of his life spying. The least favorite I have seen this week, and mostly from fans is that J.T. Barrett is the QB we have always feared he was. I am sorry but that is ludicrous. You don't have a quarter in the best comeback in forever without being pretty good. J.T. is not the problem.

He was on one of the better streaks for an Ohio State QB that I have ever witnessed and he was bound to have a bad game again. All players have them and it's unfortunate but Troy Smith's didn't come until playing Florida! J.T. Barrett is the only chance we have to get back in the saddle and compete for a B1G title over the next few weeks.

I am not 100 percent sure where I read it, but it is the one thing that I have read that almost made sense. Someone was writing about the culture that Urban Meyer has created in Columbus and whether or not the players have bought into it. The interesting part of the theory is they are comparing what he has accomplished while there versus what Nick Saban has in Alabama.

The foundation of the theory is that while recruiting at a very high level in the country and just as good as Nick Saban, that somehow he is getting players that only care about getting to the NFL. First of all, wasn't that Saban's excuse for why they lost to the Buckeyes in the CFP? He said he had players that were already checking out for the NFL.

This is not a unique problem for the Buckeyes and every college coach in America faces this at some point. The reason I have included the picture of the Campbell family in this article is to tell you that I have no doubt there is a good culture in Columbus. That the players and parents are mostly focused on the now and winning it all. They may have one eye on the future prize, but not showing up in a game can ruin a lot of people's thoughts on a special player.

I have been fortunate enough to get to know Parris' mother and family all the way up to his awesome grandfather. I can tell you, and they will also, that there is no problem at Ohio State with these kids only looking to the future. I believe they will also tell you that nobody is more disappointed in Saturday's loss than the players and they all wish they could have the game back.

Unfortunately, that's not how this works. They have to accept the loss and move forward. Prove themselves to the rest of America. It wasn't the culture or the players lack of buying into the Urban Meyer system, not even close. They just simply got outplayed and beaten in a way that they will never forget. Trust me when I say that this team is a team that might have a say in the postseason, but they control that.

The Buckeyes have to get back to the business they know and that's playing a stout defense and continue to be efficient on offense. The Nick Bosa loss last week was a game changer for sure, but they can prove themselves against Sparty. J.T. has his bad game out of his system and can now focus on taking care of things as they come.

They will recover because it is what Buckeyes do, and they will do it with the support of the best support group in the land.