Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What He Said; Behind Enemy Lines

Once again it's time for another addition of Behind Enemy Lines.

Greetings from The State Up North.

I hope all of you are doing well. Yes it's been a while. Unfortunately real life gets in the way of fun. Usually I write a grilling column, but not this week.

Instead my wife and daughter surprised me for my 52nd birthday with two tickets to the UNLV game.
Like most Buckeye fans, the first thing that pops in to your mind is why go to a blowout when I can watch it on TV from the comfort of my living room. However the second ticket was a wonderful opportunity to take my grandson Carson to his first Buckeye game and as an added surprise, take my father and the rest of us to visit my aunt and cousins in Southern Ahia, err, Ohio. If you have been along Route 23 and/or 53 you will understand that bad attempt at a joke.

Except for school or business or the occasional Buckeye game, I had not been home to Columbus since my mother had passed away nearly 40 years ago and it's been nearly 25 years since I had visited my father's sister, and my uncle and cousins. I can not thank my wife and my daughter enough for the thoughtful gift, especially my daughter who became a TTUN fan (I know terrible parenting on my part). But Carson is all Buckeye so I have my second chance.

Taking Carson to his first game in Ohio Stadium was a very surreal for me because I got to vicariously see it through his eyes, while also remembering my first visit when I was 10. The look on his face after passing through Gate 25 and the entrance to our seats in 29AA was the most rewarding experience I have ever felt. The look on his face when he saw TBDBITL live and the crowd was priceless. Just being able to share quality time with the future generation of our family will forever fill my heart.
His smile at the Buckeye Grove and during the game will be memories that are a part of my heart forever. After the game on the drive to my aunt's we decided to visit two of my childhood homes. The last one I had lived in Columbus when my mom passed and the first that I remember.

I'm appreciative of the drive down spending time with my dad and actually finally paying attention to him telling me how proud he was of the man that I had become, my cousin for her and her husband's hospitality for putting up with us for two days, and being able to relive the memories of growing up and remembering what a fantastic place where the land that I was born is.

To my wife and my daughter, I will never be able to repay you for the greatest gift you have ever given me. To my mother, everyday I cherish your memory and my father, thank you for being my dad,  and most importantly to Carson, someday when you are your papa's age and have a grandson of your own, I hope you are able to take him to a game and remember your first with me. It is an honor to be your grandfather and you make me proud every day.

I hope I haven't sounded to sappy or bored any of you, Just wanted to share my experience of being able to go back home and if you are an out of state Ohioan and haven't been back in a while, let me suggest you put it front and center of your bucket list. It'll do your heart good. 


Until Next Time OH